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Engineering Support

DSI, Inc. is dedicated to providing superior Engineering and Technical Services for Aerospace, Defense, and Homeland Security


Sample Experience:

  • Delivered engineering support to the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) since 2008 in the areas of QS Support to BMDS Kill Vehicles, MDA Quality and Safety, and MDA QS Configuration Management
  • Supported NASA since 2007 by providing various types of engineering support such as propulsion, stress, thermal, design, mechanical, hardware, and guidance and navigation engineering. DSI performs detailed mechanical and electrical engineering designs using Pro-Engineering CAD software.
  • Provided engineering services to the Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS) Operational Test Agency (OTA) since 2008. This engineering support includes communications, modeling and simulation, Link interoperability, and JICO expertise.
  • Other engineering support includes Northern Command (NORTHCOM), the Department of Homeland Security, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, and the U.S. Army